Friday, November 19, 2004

The Red Menace: Neopatrimonialism in America

Everyone knows there's a culture war on, but no one knows why. Most pundits on the left say it's religion, trotting out statistics about conservative evangelical "values" voters who supported the current regime. Ignoring the fact that lots of religious believers did not bend the knee to Ba'al, this poses the further question of why these "values voters" bought into the conservative religious package in the first place—or why the majority of black conservative Christians, as usual, voted their economic interests rather than their "values."

Some pundits have more fanciful conjectures. Lakoff believes that the culture war is a battle between the Ewig Weiblich and the Ewig Herrlich—the Nurturing Parent metaphor and the Stern Father model. Even leaving aside the question of why people live by these metaphors, this fails to explain why the whole package of policies associated with Liberalism has not until recently been seen as the proprietary ideology of women, wimps and sensitive new-age guys. Teddy Roosevelt, after all, busted trusts with his big stick and working class males rioted in the streets to establish unions.

I have the answer. Which side of the Red/Blue divide you you're on is a matter of whether you see government as an insurance scheme or a patronage system. And that, in turn, depends upon whether you believe that people can and should operate according to universalizable moral principles or think that moral obligation supervenes upon sentimental bonds of family, tribe, and community.

True Blues believe that sentimental attachments are morally irrelevant and try to act accordingly: who is my neighbor?—everyone. Even more importantly, they believe that others do too. They trust people with whom they have no family ties or personal connections to honor their agreements and treat them fairly; they have faith that if they pay into the system they will get a return on their investment. They believe that their taxes buy public services, protection and social safety nets. They know the system is not frictionless: some of their contributions to the commonweal may be lost as heat through nepotism, patronage and the operation of old boy networks. Nevertheless they believe that these practices are outside the system, that the system works reasonably well and, in any case, that the alternatives are much worse.

For Reds, by contrast, nepotism, patronage and old boy networks are the heart of the system. Reds do not recognize serious moral obligations to others beyond the network of sentimental ties or expect "strangers" to recognize obligations to them. Moral obligation, in the Red system, obeys an inverse square law, reaching the vanishing point once it diffuses beyond tribal territory. Reds look to their friends, neighbors and kin for mutual support and count on heads of families and clans, ward-heelers, mob bosses and patrons, for protection. They do not expect strangers—in particular, the remote faceless bureaucrats who operate government agencies beyond the precinct level—to do much for them. Taxes, they believe, are not insurance premiums, dues or payment for services rendered but tribute to Big Men who use the proceeds to line their pockets and confer benefits on their relatives, retainers and sycophants. The only benefit Big Men at the national level provide is to citizens beyond their coterie is protection from competing Big Men abroad. Heads of families protect their kin and tribal chieftains defend their own against competing tribes; heads of state maintain their turf, thwart terrorists, repel foreign invaders and, if possible, expand their territory.

"Traditional societies" operate according to the Red plan—neopatrimonialism or "Big Man government." To make the system function personal bonds and communal loyalty have to be maintained. Members of traditional societies can't afford to take social risks or tolerate non-conformity since any deviation from established traditions and conventions threatens the fabric of personal relationships on which the safety and well-being of all depend. Social stability rests on "personal morality" and the integrity of the family, and on willing cooperation. Religion supports "personal morality" and willing conformity to social conventions and traditions.

Red Americans imagine that they live in a traditional society. They expect their paramount chief to protect them from terrorism and to wage war; they hope that he will not interfere with their lives or exact inordinately heavy tribute. And that is precisely what conservatives promise. Conservatives promote "family values" and the code of personal conduct that supports them: contrary to the usual reading, "family values" are not code for religion---religion is of interest to Reds only insofar as it supports "family values." Conservatives also guarantee the right of citizens to own guns so that they can protect their families and turf—a matter of pressing concern to Reds since they do not believe that police or other strangers can, or will, insure their safety.

Reds have no real interest in promoting laissez faire capitalism or an "ownership society"--they were not always Republicans. When Democratic Party machines in northern cities and the South provided patronage for them, they were party loyalists. But the Democratic Party changed: party machines were dismantled, Democrats went up-market and white working class Americans could no longer expect local Democratic politicians to get them jobs or to pull strings for them. Democrats ceased to be patrons of their tribe: instead, they took up with latte-drinking Liberals—dispensing benefits to lawyers and bureaucrats, teachers, social workers and community organizers, and to members of ethnic minorities. Democratic politicians wouldn't pull strings to get Reds' pavement patched or to get their sons jobs as cops—instead, they were installing replica vintage streetlights to gentrify urban neighborhoods, supporting ethnic dance troupes and awarding contracts to minority-owned businesses.

Most Americans agreed that John Kerry's "plans" for health care and other domestic services sounded good, but Reds did not believe that they would make any difference. They did not believe that any official government policies and programs ever did, or could. Reds are fatalistic and assume that financial insecurity, drudgery, sickness and unemployment are facts of life: people do the best they can to cope and take care of their own; government cannot make any difference. Their concern was to elect the least worst supreme patron, and in this respect Kerry was not promising. They did not trust him to protect them from terrorism or invasion by competing tribes; they were convinced that, if elected, he would maintain a large retinue of lawyers and bureaucrats, and exact heavy tribute to bankroll them; and they feared that Democrats' support for abortion, gay rights and the like would undermine the traditional rules and conventions that supported the family and other informal communal arrangements on which their security and well-being depended. They did not believe that a Democratic administration would benefit them or keep them safe.

Many Americans admire traditional societies—particularly those that are remote and exotic. Bored with the sterility and impersonality of an urbanized mass society and sick of negotiating phone trees, websites and bureaucracies, big-box stores and HMOs, they fantasize a world where neighbors are neighborly and friendly shopkeepers chat, Rotarian businessmen support community projects and doctors make house calls. They imagine that a world of friendly families and communities, each taking care of its own, should do at least as well as a mass society of "atomistic" individuals whose interests are supported by impersonal agencies, formal institutions and the state.

Most of us, I hope, know better. Some families are bad or outright abusive and even the best of families have a hard time taking care of their own. Close-knit communities are hostile to outsiders and deviants; and the traditions and conventions they enforce are oppressive even to insiders who accept their assigned roles and play by the rules. Large, impersonal institutions for all their faults are more transparent and fair, and have the wherewithall to take advantage of economies of scale; state-sponsored insurance schemes pool risk and guarantee that the unlucky will not get trashed.

Getting religion and talking tough will not win over Red voters. Democrats have to convince them that government isn't merely a patronage system for bankrolling bureaucrats, lawyers and academics, members of the "helping professions" and ethnic minorities. They have to be persuaded that the Liberal program will not usher in social chaos and that the government programs Democrats offer will provide a better life for them, with more freedom and a wider range of options, than life in a traditional society dominated by family and church, village and tribe.


Anonymous said...

I have linked to your site because I believe your defense of liberal values is more rational and less emotional than many such sites (whether they be liberal or conservative). I'm disappointed in this post though. I'm afraid you hit the nail on the head early in your post when you said black voters ignored their moral values in favor of their own economic interests. You could have wrapped the article up with a few more comments on that and really explained what motivates voters.

Leave the words “black” and “economic” out and we've accounted for most votes. Most votes are a “me” vote. Most voters vote for their interests.

Example: “Of course I pay higher taxes if the government funds children's college education—but I have three teenage children—I'm for the guy who's going to help me pay their way through college. My share of the tax burden, given all my deductions, will be much smaller than the benefit I receive.”

Example: “I could pay off my home tomorrow but I use it for a tax break. I've funded my own retirement because all the money I've paid into Social Security has been loaned to a government that doesn't pay it's debts--I don't' know if I'll ever see my share. I vote for the party that won't raise taxes in general and will take the smallest bite out of capital gains”.

Me voting.

Your example: someone who votes according to their self-interest rather than their values.

It's all about me.

The only admirable vote is one for the betterment of the country.

I recently voted against men who agree with me on most issues. Why? Because they sought to legislate religion and require certain government sponsored religious behavior. They aren't trying to enforce just any religion—they are for MY religion. How would that hurt me? I can't see how it would harm me or my family in my lifetime. But I believe it's the wrong way to treat people of other faiths and will hurt our country in the long run--so I vote against them. My values are more important than my own self-interest.

A single woman with no children, past child-bearing age chooses to cast her vote based on which candidate is closer to pro-choice. How does this benefit her?—it doesn't—she votes values over self-interest.

At the union hall they tell the members “vote Kerry”. (I'm familiar with Southern Coal-Mining Unions and their membership is flooded with the pro-Democratic party message. They are promised dire consequences if the Republican candidate wins). The union member believes he's likely to make a little more money and have a little more job security with Democrats in office than with Republicans. But he thinks George Bush is a more moral man and votes for him. I suspect you consider this an ignorant vote—but it's far more noble than the “vote your economic interests rather than your values" vote. You can't list him with the “me” vote.

You suggest “Reds” don't feel responsibility for anyone beyond their eye site and closest good old boy bonds. Yet I wonder who in this country funds all of the social programs you believe the “Blues” embrace with such hope and faith? No doubt the money comes from men and women of all colors, political viewpoints and religious creeds—but I'm fairly comfortable the “Reds” pay their fair share and I'm sure they expect less in return.

Some men and women generally vote based on what they think they'll get. Some vote because they don't want to give so much.

Fine--there's nothing really wrong with that. But don't insult people who act based on what they think is right rather than what they're going to get. For our country to become great and stay great someone has to be against slavery and act against it even when it doesn't hurt them personally. Someone has to decide not to punish the South for it's rebellion. At some point men had to vote to acknowledge women have the right to vote.

Many people wonder why the “Reds” don't know what's good for them? How can they be so dumb? Perhaps they do know what's good for them—but that's not the key to their vote. Perhaps they're wrong but at least their not selfish.

Nothing wrong with voting for me—but nothing to admire about it either.

Anonymous said...

This sounds to be the most sensible way of looking at the "red--blue" debate that I have come across. I'm worried, though, about the need for these kinds of "a" vs. "b" dichotomies.

It seems to me that this would be much more useful as an example of tribal societies and more advanced societies. The problems inherant in both seem to become much more relavent. For example, with issues of why tribal models can't work in modern situations (larger populations, nation states, etc...) but also why they tend to seem so easy to fall into (with spectacularly irrational examples as Nazi Germany or whatever...) and why the more enlightened societies are so difficult to keep up.

I know that everybody likes to have the simple dichotomy and it creates the illusion of choice, but if I live in a modern city, I'll find it very hard to live by tribal rules, and everyone can see what happens when we try to force feed modern democracy on those folk out there in the desert...

Unknown said...

The cut I suggested isn't between disinterested morality and self-interest. "Moral values" was implicitly in scare quotes meaning matters of "personal morality" or what are these days called "lifestyle issues."

Economic issues are moral issues. Lots of blue voters, including me, vote contrary to our own interests in order to promote the economic interests of others. Sometimes I vote selfishly, as when I voted for a local candidate who promised to attract high-rise development that would increase the value of my property. Sometimes I vote on principle, as when I vote for the national party that I hope will raise my taxes to provide social programs and safety nets that won't directly benefit me or anyone I know personally.

Most of the time we have to make trade-offs. Lots of Catholics I know vote for pro-choice Democratic candidates--trading off support for their moral views on abortion in favor of support for their moral views on economic justice and foreign policy. I suggested that some evangelical Christians who were conservative on issues of "personal morality," especially blacks, were making this kind of trade-off, not necessarily for selfish reasons or unselfish reasons but most likely a little of both--just as I do.

I suggested also that Reds who "voted their values," i.e. their preferences on "lifestyle issues" were generally selfish and wrong. Painting with a broad brush, they voted for policies on these issues of "personal morality" that they believed would support the way of life they wanted to live and maybe even more importantly affirm it as the social norm. My guess is that they overestimated the extent to which liberal policies on "lifestyle issues" would affect them. I also think that voting for symbolic gestures in the interests of personal affirmation is childish--whether it's conservatives looking for public affirmation of "family values" or gays insisting that civil unions be called "marriage."

I also suggest that working class Reds are dead wrong in imagining that they get less in return from taxes than liberal latte-drinkers do. I'm tenured, have a generous benefits package, and the means to send my kids to any college they can get into. Unemployment benefits and government health care programs do nothing for me; support for state colleges isn't terribly important. These are programs that chiefly benefit people who aren't tenured professors.

Back at the faculty parking lot, the cars are still plastered with Kerry stickers. Maybe the real puzzle isn't why working class Reds vote against their economic interests but why middle class Blues do.

Anonymous said...

Your Reds and Blues are pretty close to the Nurturing Parent and the Stern Father metaphor. If you base your distinctions on elementary trust - trust in a rational, social network vs. trust in personal old boy bonds (really meaning trust only in oneself) - isn't that similar to the Safe Family vs. Big Bad Old World distinction?

I don't believe that the Red personal philosophy is a conscious one, particularly for those that are choosing positions against their economic interests - at least not a wholly conscious one. Certainly the world appears fragmented and alien to many of these - the Red philosophy tells it like it is - its a tough world and you need a strong guy to manageit. Blues have a more holistic worldview - more intellectual - which could explain the stickers in the parking lot.

Bora Zivkovic said...

George Lakoff meets David Sloan Wilson - a perfect combination. Right on.

Anonymous said...

Great article! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for interesting article.

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Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!

Anonymous said...

That's good stuff, even for a member of the Red Menace, like myself. I hope this works to make the Reds appear a little more human to the Blues. That there IS a method to the madness, as opposed to just calling Reds "Nazis" when Blues get frustrated...

Unknown said...

Thanks, anonymous. Gosh, I'd forgotten I'd written this!

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